Standards for Mathematical Content Grade 1

Counting and Cardinality

Know ordinal names and counting flexibility.

Count to tell the number of objects.

Compare numbers.

Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.

Understand and apply properties of operations and relationship between addition and subtraction.

Add and subtract using numbers up to 20.

Work with addition and subtraction equations.

Identify and continue patterns.

Numbers and Operations in Base Ten

Extend the counting sequence.

Understand place value.

Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.

Measurement and Data

Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units.

Work with time and money.

Represent and interpret data.


Reason with shapes and their attributes.

Standards for Mathematical Practice

Instruction around the Standards of Mathematical Practices is delivered across all grades K-12. These eight standards define experiences that build understanding of mathematics and ways of thinking through which students develop, apply, and assess their knowledge.

1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

4. Model with Mathematics.

5. Use appropriate tools strategically.

6. Attend to precision.

7. Look for and make use of structure.

8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.